So, being a Bearcat fan seems to be difficult these days. But, I don't understand why people don't support their team anyway? I mean, sure it can be disappointing when they lose, and most people don't like this feeling, but why allow that to stop you from showing your support. I hate when I go around campus and see tons of OSU, Michigan, and other school clothing ( I know I have an OSU sweatshirt, but I don't root for them over UC). It's aggravating that people can go to UC, and be die hard Buckeyes fans, to the point that when we played them, they wanted us to lose! Please people, pick a school and stick with it. We don't want you as a fan if you're only around during the good days. I see this all to often with Cincinnatians. Most of you support the Bengals now, but where were you in the 90's? I didn't see many of you? Now that we're winning again, you have popped out of the woodwork. I understand it may not be worth spending $60+ to watch a game, but at least support them however you can. And the Reds, you can't give up in June, even if the team is falling apart!